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February 2015

So far this winter does not look too bad. Following on from a good grass growing autumn, the ewes are in excellent condition. To protect the spring grass, all ewes were housed mid January, fluked and scanned. I had been anticipating some fertility knock on from the wet weather we have had over the last

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August 2014

I don’t know where the summer has gone. Perhaps as we get older the months just go by faster. Like most people we had a good lambing, or perhaps just a more normal year compared to last. Lambing at over 1.87% they have grown well, and I have been very pleased with both the 8

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February 2014

I suppose the weathermen warned a few years ago that global warming would result in increasingly wet winters (which we most certainly have had over the last couple of years), more storms and (still to come) increasingly hot dry summers. If this is a trend, then there are clearly serious implications for all of us.

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July 2013

What a spring. What a summer – so far! We were much been luckier than most this lambing. We saw the weather coming a week ahead and for the next 3 weeks kept everything indoors. Not easy, as we lambed over 350. As expected we subsequently had a touch of cocci, so as a precaution

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Winter 2013

Like others the weather impact over the last 9 months certainly impacted the finishing of our fat lambs this year. The last of which went by the second week of February – effectively two months later than any other year, even though for the last 6 weeks they were on haylage and concentrates. With lamb

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