Category Archives: Culland Farm news

May 2018

I recall making a worrying prediction about the lambing weather in early March. Well we largely dodged that snow bullet, with very little collateral damage. Very few mastitis cases – under 2%, and most of those out in the field, a couple of weeks after lambing. Apart from those “casualties”, lambing went remarkably smoothly. I

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July 2016

  July 1st 2016   Lambing is now well behind us, having finished in mid April. I was reasonably pleased with a live lambing ratio (post 2 days after lambing) of a shade under 180%. Sheep were brought in very early in early January due to the atrocious wet weather. I was concerned that the

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May 2015

Lambing went well this year with very few problems. As usual about 90% lambed in the first cycle with one or two determined to drag it out to the last day. Our lambing percentage was a little down at about 1.75% (1.84% in 2014), which reflects the scanning numbers, which were also down. A number

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